John Meyer Books

The Book Leaves My Apartment AKA Validation Part 2


It was August 2011. And with my new books stacked neatly around my condo, it was time to get the word out to the media—months in advance of the actual launch date.

In an earlier post, I mentioned that the hardest part of publishing is breaking down the traditional gate keeping that still largely exists between newspapers and magazines. But I also mentioned that there are people and publications that ignore the opinions of the establishment and take a chance on you.


“The First Public Validation”

Chatelaine magazine took that chance. Chatelaine is the number one women’s lifestyle magazine in Canada with over 500,000 subscribers a month. Their book editor didn’t care that I was a self-publisher. She simply accepted my press release and assigned my book to one of her readers. Then she followed up with an e-mail request for the book cover. That was it.

Since there were no further e-mails notifying me of any inclusion in her magazine, I thought the matter was over—until I bought a newspaper at a gas station in October. I noticed the new Chatelaine’s November issue on the rack and thumbed through it, just to see which books they were reviewing. There was a lot of coverage about the Giller Prize candidates, so I didn’t have too much hope for any coverage about anyone else. But when I turned the page to the Best of November picks, there I was.

Bullets, Butterflies, and Italy by John Meyer, $17.
Turning 30 and being single sucks. Or, at least that’s what Zack Curtis thinks, so he takes a chance and embarks on the trip of a lifetime to Italy. But then he’s robbed of all his belongings, spends too much time “on the wrong side of drunk” and apparently negotiates his own murder – not exactly a promising start. He does, however, also fall madly in love. While the premise sounds mildly familiar and it’s at least partly based on real-life events, this is no Eat, Pray, Love
. Instead it sets a fast and furious pace with destination unknown – but that’s the point. – Laurie Jennings.


“The First Public Validation – Part Two”

I was satisfied with that review and must have read it three or four times at breakfast. I even put the magazine next to my plate, hoping the waitress would ask me about it.

Chatelaine didn’t care that I self-published. It wasn’t even worth mentioning in their review. In fact, not only was my book one of the magazine’s picks for November, the book was listed #2 in the editor’s subsequent November Book Club.

Bullets, Butterflies, and Italy was finally standing on its own merits—against the big boys and girls of the big publishers.


“The Second Public Validation”

Canada AM didn’t care that I was self-published either. I knew the producer in charge of book reviews, and, of course, that helped. But she said that knowing her only meant that the book got to her desk. If she didn’t like it or didn’t think it was good enough, she was fully prepared to write me her obligatory “sorry, but your book doesn’t fit with our show” e-mail. Knowing her got me through the door, but the book got me on the small screen.

Chatelaine validated me. Canada AM validated me. And later, the Global Toronto’s Morning Show validated me (that interview has yet to be posted).


“The Third Public Validation”

And, of course, I was extremely validated at my launch party in Toronto. It was gratifying to get the support from my friends, my co-workers, and the surprise guests who came out of obligation or curiosity, but left with a book under their arms.

And I’m extremely validated every moment since that raucous night, when I receive book orders on my website from perfect strangers—and from random companies, such as the Ontario wholesaler, and the Montreal bookstore, and the Regina public library.

2011 began as a frightening prospect of hope, and ended as a fulfilling promise of a brighter future, thanks to all the good people who helped me and encouraged me.

Now onto 2012—where the website continues, the promotion continues, and the creation continues. And you’ll read all about it right here.

Happy New Year, Everybody!


For more posts on this self-publishing journey, check out: