Welcome to the Blog!

In these pages, you’ll find more about my travels to Italy, Spain, and England for my books, as well as other travel tales from around the world. Plus you’ll uncover more about my daily drama as not only a self-published author, but also as a TV writer for ET Canada. Plus find articles about other minor matters in the world of movies and television.


Basket of Books

The Not-So-Subtle Art of Selling Books

"Bullets, Butterflies, and Italy: The Subtle Art of Selling Books" Saturday mornings in downtown Toronto, I invariably buy the Globe & Mail newspaper from some newsstand and eat a sizeable breakfast at one of the six or seven bars & restaurants in my...

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Running with the Bulls: My First Time

I've run with the bulls of Pamplona three times in my life. The third run was in 2009 and that's the run that I describe in detail in my book. (With a title like "Bands, Bulls, and London," you knew the bulls were going to show up eventually...) But today, I'll...

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Grammys 2013 Adventure Part 3

Pack your passports, we're finally landing in Los Angeles for "ET Canada's Grammy Awards Red Carpet Special." A Toronto snowstorm and the Western world's most boring airport tried to crush my sanity, but here I was in the City of Angels... 36 hours late. There's...

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Grammys 2013 Adventure Part 2

Last week, I mentioned that ET Canada's biggest show of the year was the "Grammy Awards Red Carpet Special." It's the show's most elaborate production and it requires the most people to make it work. And, after seven years of working at ET Canada, I was finally given...

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Grammys 2013 Adventure Part 1

One of the strange realities of daily writing about Hollywood celebrities is that you definitely don't get to meet the stars. And you rarely get to see them either. You want to meet a celebrity? Become a reporter. Or better yet, become a make-up artist or a camera...

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Golden Globe Envy

Watching the recent Golden Globe Awards, I couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous. And it had nothing to do with all the rabid attention and all the fawning praise and all the shiny golden trophies. But after hearing actor after actor - Hugh Jackman, Jennifer...

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